12th plinth
The programming team first visited the Moore Rodin exhibition at the Henry Moore Foundation in Perry Green, Hertfordshire.
When we realised 11 sculptures will be placed around the Compton Verney grounds an idea formed to create an intervention for visitors to make living sculptures and pose on a 12th plinth.
Since the opening of the exhibition at Compton Verney the exhibition has had an amazing response to the figures situated in the landscape. We have witnessed many families, individuals and groups such as schools using the 12th plinth while they were here at Compton Verney.
We invited our visitors to tweet or facebook their images to us. It was very exciting to see a new post of someone standing on a grey plinth out in the grounds and pretending to be one of the sculptures or creating a new stance.
We had over 90 images sent to us on social media.
Here are some of the images shared with us via facebook…
Here are some of the images shared with us via twitter..
We also had them emailed to learning@comptonverney.org.uk
The programming team each chose three favourite images and by popular response we have selected a winner to receive a free ticket to visit Compton Verney again with their family to see the British Folk Art exhibition. The winner is Charlotte from Akeley Wood school who photographed this image on the 12th plinth for her A-level course called ‘Freezing Motion’. Please continue to share your images with us through social media.