30 Days Wild
Interested in Wildlife but never have time to do anything about it?
Well there’s a challenge from the Wildlife Trusts that make it easier than ever before to engage with wildlife this June – 30 Days Wild.
As the Wildlife Trust says:
“Make room for nature this June – no matter where you are or how busy your life! Make this the month when you do something wild every day – and let us motivate you! When you sign up to our challenge, we’ll send you a pack full of encouragement, ideas and Random Acts of Wildness. You’ll also receive a funky wallchart to track your progress, a wild badge, and regular blasts of inspiration throughout June straight to your inbox to help you
make nature part of your life.”
I have signed up as an individual, printed my calendar and have started at Compton Verney today with my first random act of wildness – a ten minute walk amongst meadow flowers with my camera. For the rest of June I’ll continue with my daily acts of wildness and will tweet my progress using the hashtag #30DaysWild – and of course #CVGrounds if my random act of wildness is at Compton Verney.
If you’re interested in signing up to the challenge there’s a host of opportunity for random acts of wildness both locally and if you visit the landscape at Compton Verney – hug a veteran tree, listen to the birdsong in the coppice, create natural art at Nature’s Art Box or study lichen on the ornamental bridge. Go on, follow the link and give it a try… 30 Days Wild
Gary Webb, Head of Landscape & Gardens at Compton Verney.