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Get Mucky, Get Making!

Thu 30 May 2024, 10.30amThu 29 August 2024, 3.30pm

Get Mucky, Get Making!

We are rolling together the imagination of the Art gallery and the wildness of the woodland, whisking, mixing and pouring into Get Mucky, Get Making sessions! Each week Get Mucky, Get Making Sessions will include a focus, that might be a particular material or theme. Our amazing Learning Leaders and Volunteers will support you and your child to explore lots of different ways to interact with the materials.

This process is as important as producing an end result, so don’t worry if children get absorbed and don’t ‘make’ anything to take away. They will have experienced lots!

We believe in PLAY FIRST, thinking through Making – fiddling, experimenting, feeling, handling, testing and risking is where children discover possibilities!

Encouraging your child to follow their own interests, work things out for themselves and experiment is an important part of developing confidence, problem solving skills and resilience.

The session will include gathering together for a story or songs and a chance to share any ideas discovered! Of course, the mud kitchen, digging and bug hunting will be on offer for children to do their own thing too! Above all the sessions are for fun where children are encouraged to be in charge!

Best suited to Toddlers – 5 year olds

10:30am-12:30am and 1.30-3.30pm, on selected days during the School Holidays:

Thursday 30 May

Every Thursday 25 July – 29 August

£7.50 per child. Booking is advised to avoid disappointment as we do sell out.
Adults require a valid membership or day ticket.

Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable