Bird Survey Results – December at Compton Verney
Feedback from a bird survey at Compton Verney, early December 2015:
The survey started at 8:30am on a rather windy day, but
at least it was not as rainy as in previous days. A group of five members of the Banbury Ornithological Society split up to survey the whole of the park. This was useful as it gave a good picture to the species with no overlapping of observers.
East Meadow Area: The species seen were the ones expected to be seen but with a few extras like over-flying Golden Plover and Skylark over the parkland.
The Pools: were fairly quiet but Great Crested Grebe, Grey Lag Goose, Heron and Kingfisher were all noted.
The Woodlands: were fairly productive with Nuthatch, Redwing, Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush, Nuthatch and members of the Tit family all busy feeding on the Yew berries.
Good numbers of Goldcrests were also recorded, and 12 Siskins were seen feeding on the alder trees near the main entrance and at the bottom of the middle pool. Birds of prey came in the form of 3 Buzzards and 1 female Sparrowhawk.
In all, 40 species were recorded in the 2 hour survey which was enjoyed by those taking part.
Alwyn Knapton. 6th December 2015.