Welcome to this ‘August’ article, the eighth in a series of posts which aim to review, through photographs, twelve months of activity in and around the diverse landscape of Compton Verney. It’s a historic landscape that has seen much change, from the shaping of the areas as new plants establish to the visual delight gained from one of a number of artistic interactions.
There are huge changes in the atmosphere from the busiest of open days to quiet days when just bird song can be heard. Either way, visually the landscape changes minute by minute and it’s wonderful to be there to experience it – and on occasion capture an image or two!
Links to other months will be added at the bottom of the page, but for now, I hope you enjoy ‘August – The landscape at Compton Verney’ :
Warm summer days and the grounds at Compton Verney go very well together. The mature tree canopies through the Ice House Coppice give plenty of shade for cool walks, and the large trees nearer the gallery provide sheltered space for picnics. There’s also the lakeside banks where there’s always a space to kick back and soak up the warmth of the summer sunshine…
From a working point of view, that shade can be quite a welcome option when the heat really builds, although you’re not likely to find us picnicking on the lakeside – at least not during working hours! September is next up for the blog post, and we’ll be into autumn – but what were we up to?!
Regards, Gary Webb, Head of Landscape & Garden at Compton Verney.