An Historic Landscape Needs Your Help!

Do you have an interest in Gardens? Maybe you’ve an appreciation for the English Landscape? You might even have a passing interest in the History of our Green and Pleasant Land

If the bold type strikes a note, and you’d like to learn a little more about each and any of the above, for free, then a perfect opportunity could exist for you on March 29th 2014 – literally just over the horizon!


What is going on over there?!

At Compton Verney we’ll be hosting a one-off event with a focus on the great outdoors, in support of the Capability Brown Tercentenary Celebration (CB300). As Head of Landscape & Gardens I’m charged with recruiting but a handful of willing, hardy individuals to support the event, who are willing to help me marshal and interpret the landscape and garden. (This is code for wrapping up warm, standing in a field, pointing out features and chatting to small groups of fascinating people!)

Seriously, all I need is a small gathering of enthusiastic folk to help me interpret our fascinating Brownian landscape. There really is very little to it, as I shall impart all the necessary knowledge – and make the tea, and buy some cake; during an afternoon session prior to the event. (Therefore it helps if you live nearby).

It really is a one-off volunteering opportunity, and as simple as that… (I like simplicity!) Taking some fresh air and chatting to some people. We’ll even cover mileage expenses as detailed on the role profile. Oh, and you’ll also have opportunity to see our fabulous Henry Moore and Auguste Rodin exhibition!

Needless to say that there are a limited number of spaces available, so please register your interest or direct questions to me in the first instance – there is no binding contract!

Role Profile

If you’re even mildly interested, do follow the link and read through the role profile, and email me and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Gary Webb. Compton Verney