CB300 – Capability Brown Tercentenary 2016
For landscape, garden and history supporters, an exciting year is on the horizon as Twenty Sixteen will mark three hundred years since the birth of our most famous gardener – Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown.
Many estates across the land will be looking to host events as we move towards and through 2016, in an effort to build interest and awarness for this fascinating ‘place-maker’ or garden designer. Compton Verney in particular plans to draw focus toward its landscape garden, a beautifully formed example of an eighteenth century English landscape garden, a natural style of landscaping that Brown is well known for.
Over two hundred landscapes nationwide bear the mark of Brown and to ensure a unified and consistent approach, a group formed in 2012 with the aim of representing the interests of us all, the group will be working under the title of CB300. The scope is very wide but essentially the CB300 committee aim to coordinate and encourage events as we move towards and through the tercentenary year. Individuals within the group represent many of our best known heritage and tourism organisations, and the group is supported by many individuals from independant landscapes and gardens.
I understand a central website for the tercentenary group is under construction, and when this goes live I’ll be sure to let you know. In lieu of this, if you would like further information on CB300 events, or would like to be more involved there’s an excellent article with contact details on the Garden History Society Website.
Furthermore, you may learn more by reading the first newsletter that was created late 2012 titled Issue One of the Capability Brown 300 Newsletter.
Please do comment via the form (above) if you have any ideas or questions concerning the 2016 Capability Brown celebrations – I’ll happily pass them on to the relevant people.