Do you see yourself as the next Poldark?
Many weeks have passed since those Sunday night episodes of Poldark. Yes, the very mention of that name sends a shiver down many a spine!
Well, let me think; there was swaying grass and wide open skies. There were purposeful swipes of the scythe and flashes of sunshine from the razor sharp blade. Did I mention a bead or two of perspiration running down ‘the’ chin? ‘Enough!’ I hear you say…
Now, before I move on I have to ask if your focus was the scything technique (questionable as may be,) or Poldark himself? If your focus was the latter, then you have to wait yet awhile for the new eight episode series that has been commissioned by the BBC. If however your interest was the former, then I have news of a workshop coming up that may be of interest, featuring much the same: swaying grass, wide open skies and definitely a drop or two of perspiration!
Now, Compton Verney’s equivalent to Aidan Turner I can’t promise, but on Tuesday 7th July we’ll be hosting an Introduction to Scything Workshop, an old form of mowing that has so many benefits. Participants will be personally fitted with a scythe, learning how to care for and maintain it efficiently. You will learn how to safely use it, avoid damage, sharpen and ‘peen’ the edge to facilitate mowing. The history of the scythe and its use in maintaining wild flower meadows and ecologically sensitive grassland will also be discussed, and there’s even opportunity to purchase your own equipment if you feel the need.
Very much a hands-on sort of day, and located in the beautiful parkland surroundings of Compton Verney‘s ‘Capability’ Brown designed landscape. I’m personally looking forward to acquiring this new skill, and look forward to sampling the Austrian Scythes that are very much the talk of the scything world! I’m also keen to see if we can introduce this activity in some way to grounds management at Compton Verney #CVGrounds
The workshop will be taught by scything expert Clive Leeke, and is arranged by Flora-locale. So, if you see yourself as the next Ross Poldark, or would like to grasp this useful land management technique, then bookings or enquiries should be made direct with Flora Locale; all necessary information can be found through the following link: flora Locale