DSLR Photography Workshops
Just a quick post to mention an enjoyable digital SLR photography workshop at Compton Verney last Wednesday which passed effortlessly, led by professional photographer Sally Crane.
During the day all the basics of photography were covered, including those little treasures aperture and shutter speed, and of course ISO, and how this works. We also looked closer at the cameras each participant brought along and how each could be fine tuned for the photography we hoped to pursue.
There were two good sessions when the group ventured out to test techniques, but although the focus was very much on grounds and landscape photography, the principles could be applied to many situations. Following each outdoor trip an indoor critique allowed us to review our methods and settings to see what was working – or with some of my images – what was not working!
The light was changeable and rain passed over, but the grounds of Compton Verney is certainly not short of subject matter. Thankfully, we also learned a good deal about image composition, which in the space of a few hours was already starting to pay off, particularly with my images. One participant said: what a thing – being able to say your first photography lesson was spent shooting Moore and Rodin sculpture!
The image below is one which I grabbed in a moment as a sculpture tour circuited the Burghers of Calais. With little immediate attention to settings, I snapped the image before the moment was lost, and typically, it is brighter and more atmospheric than most others I took on the day! Seriously though, I think my previous attention to selecting an appropriate ISO and aperture did stand me in good stead!
An enjoyable and useful day (I trust) was had by all. If you’ve some good basic knowledge already and would like to take your landscape photography forward, don’t forget that Sally is back on 11th June to lead an intermediate DSLR photography workshop. Please book up soon as places will be limited. Hope to see you there!