Festive Fireworks at Compton Verney
A mini post to give flavour of last nights end of season fireworks display over the middle pool at Compton Verney. Apologies in advance as they are not of the greatest quality, being snapped on my mobile, but the event was enjoyed by many and I couldn’t resist sharing and showing yet another great event at Compton Verney – what a way to end the season!
Visitors to the gallery stayed on beyond sunset having enjoyed numerous festive treats indoors, then standing at the foot of the mansion, enjoyed the display above the middle pool. Provided by Jonathan’s Fireworks, the display marked the end of another successful Winter Weekend of activity, and also the end of Compton Verney’s 10th anniversary year.
I’m sure there will be more footage of the festive fireworks shared over the next few days, but here’s my amateur contribution – I hope you enjoy!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oZVjXGQhkw]
Gary Webb, Head of Landscape and Gardes, Compton Verney