Georgian Weekend Revelry

Now that the dust has settled, if not the post event gossip, I thought it worth adding a short post about the Georgian Weekend we enjoyed at the end of September. In the very least, I hope the photographs might paint a picture of the general revelry we enjoyed over the weekend.


The Mannered Mob, plus one extra gardener posing beneath the portico at Compton Verney.

The weekend was a great success and attracted many visitors; some of whom visited primarily for this historical style re-enactment style event. I found the whole experience fascinating, being in authentic costume throughout, and really enjoyed the opportunity to re-direct my usual grounds tour towards the ‘Capability’ Brown landscape garden developments.


Strolling about the lawns at Compton Verney, the Mannered Mob ladies enjoyed the late season sunshine – at least we had the chapel for some shade!

My tours all over-ran, due to more engaging questions and interaction than usual. Discussion ranged from my outrageous outfit, to the detail in the historical developments of the gardens and landscape during the eighteenth century. It was for me a real opportunity to open up the wonder of Georgian gardens, and talk about their finer qualities – from a gardeners perspective, naturally!


Not quite Capability Brown, but the lowly head gardener responsible for all the graft!

Inside our splendid mansion, a group called the Mannered Mob occupied the spacious Adam Hall, named after the notable Georgian architect Robert Adam, who re-styled the mansion during the 1760s. (I’ll briefly add that the Adam Hall is bookable for weddings!)


An apothecary’s tool kit!

In authentic period costume, (and in character!) the team exhibited period items of interest which included some scary medical and dentistry instruments from the period. They chatted and mixed with visitors whilst their music and singing permeated the lower floor rooms. The atmosphere really was charmingly Georgian – we were just short of a Mr. Darcy swimming across the lake to join us!


Live demonstrations.. (Not quite as gory as it appears I must say!)

I must say that personally, it was a little odd moving around the site with stockings and heels on – I was certainly glad to sit and take the weight off each night! The wig also proved something of a challenge, but thanks to the excellent advice and demonstration, Brenda Leedham, who supplied the item ensured I, and the wig came through unscathed! Apparently in Georgian times, I wouldn’t have used a wig in my role, it would have been my own hair grown long and gathered behind my head, nice and dry beneath my tricorne hat.


Trying my Georgian outfit for the first time at the RSC costume department.

My gardeners outfit, selected and supplied by the RSC costume department, was a joy to wear. It really helped me acclimatise to the role I was taking, and I could easily put myself in the place of the original head gardener – although I might not have been allowed to saunter through the mansion so freely in days gone by! There’s a link below to my trying on session post.


Looking a little weather beaten – one Georgian Head Gardener!

All in all, an enjoyable and I hope entertaining weekend was had by all, and one we certainly hope to revive in coming years; there’s even talk of moving more to the great outdoors, with the potential of scythe mowing demonstrations no less! If you’ve any suggestions for how you’d like to see the event develop, maybe there’s a Georgian in you waiting to burst onto the scene – please do drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you!

Link to – A Georgian Weekend Gardener.