Ropes, Knots and Karabiners!

Do your family enjoy the great outdoors; exploring parks and gardens perhaps? If like me, you like to test your children’s perception and enjoy seeing them discover new things, or maybe you yourself are seeking a new challenge or experience? Then maybe this new event in south Warwickshire could be worth a look…


This April and May ( 15th & 31st respectively) we are welcoming The Great Big Tree Climbing Company to Compton Verney, where – you’ve guessed it – climbing a great big tree will be the order of the day! We’ve jointly selected a stately tree for the occasion which towers above a wildflower rich lawn, with views of the impressive west front of the mansion and beyond to rolling acres of parkland.


Down to earth basics on tree climbing…

During hour-long sessions, all involved will be securely harnessed, briefed and helped to climb the tree, high into the canopy which for over two hundred years has been unconquered but for the odd arborist, squirrel or passing bird.


Keeping a close eye on progress…

Ropes, knots, and karabiners will become familiar during the experience, and for those willing participants; a zip wire will be waiting to whisk you safely down to earth with a flourish. In any event; a thrilling experience is for sure and memories are here to be made! 


An experience for all!

This activity is suitable for ages 6 and upwards, and hour-long sessions will be run from 10:30 am each day. Booking is recommended via the Eventbrite website, and enquiries can be directed through The Big Tree Climbing Company or Compton Verney.

Link to FAQs and Booking Webpage

If you’d like to see more – there are some great images and video clips on the Great Big Tree Climbing Company Facebook page – click here

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