Wanted: disabled artists working with ‘the senses’
We are excited to announce a forthcoming paid opportunity for disabled artists to produce new work in response to Compton Verney’s historic Naples collection. The Naples collection is one of six diverse permanent collections at Compton Verney Art Gallery & Park in Warwickshire. In 2023 it will be the focus of a research and display project – ‘Sensing Naples’ – which will bring to life the smells, sounds, sights, tastes and sensations of this incredible city. We are partnering with disabled led arts commissioners Unlimited to create opportunities for disabled artists to research, develop and create new work for our Naples galleries which connect to the theme of the senses.
A full open call for submissions will be announced in January 2022, with a submission date of Friday 11 March 2022.
If you have any further questions, please contact: art@comptonverney.org.uk
Pierre-Jacques Volaire, An Eruption of Vesuvius by Moonlight, 1774 © Compton Verney