Welcome to our brand new blog: The Curators’ Diary
Hello from Programming on the ’12th Plinth’ at Compton Verney (though missing a few of the Team in this picture!)
Welcome to our blog and to the Programming Team. We are a ten-strong team supported by brilliant volunteers and learning deliverers, and between us we create exhibitions, care for the (six) collections and organise an active programme of events and activities for all ages. This year, our tenth anniversary, is a particularly exciting one. As part of our birthday celebrations we are having a crack at the longest line of bunting world record attempt (contributions welcome – we need seven miles of it!) Following the Moore Rodin show, and hot-foot from Tate Britain, we have a major exhibition of British Folk Art, to which we are a key lender. In the summer we refresh the collections with a display of trench art, by which time our plans for a complete redisplay of the Chinese collection in 2015 will be well under way.
So, lots to look out for and follow in the coming weeks and months,
A few of our previous Programming photograph attempts: